Accreditation Process

Application for Accreditation

Applicant Review by GAB

Acceptance of Application

Payment of GAB 1st Stage Initial fee (50%)

Submission of Accreditation document, as outlined by GAB

Documentation review report from IOAB

Corrective action report from IOAB

Acceptance of CAR by IOAB

Pay IOAB 2nd Stage (50%)

Grant of Provisional Accreditation for six month from IOAB

Complete at least one accredited activity as per scope of provisional accreditation within six month under observation of IOAB

Accredited activity Analysis by IOAB

Grant of final accreditation for the period of three years

Maintaining the accreditation – Submit report on accredited activity conducted

Annual Evaluation of accreditation from IOAB

Re- certification after three years